What is Contact Mapping?

Contact Mapping takes what we already naturally do as relational beings and applies just enough structure and support to take your relationship building skills to an entirely new level.

Contact Mapping is the simple discipline of:

  1. recording a few important details from each interaction you have with another human;
  2. always setting a reminder for your next touch point.
These two tiny actions will transform your ability to develop meaningful business and personal relationships.

How does it work?

When you walk away from the conversation with your new acquaintance, it’s as simple as pulling out the Contact Mapping app and “brain dump” the details you want to remember into a note for your contact. As soon as you finish your note, set a reminder to follow up.

The relationships BLTS, make people feel:

they Belong

they are Loved

they can Trust

they are Safe

As you form a habit around those two disciplines, we are confident your relationships will shift. You will have regular touchpoints to make sure those relationships maintain and grow. And you have a record of those important details right at your fingertips.


As you practice those disciplines, your prospects, colleagues, and friends will feel honored and valued by the fact that you really heard and remembered what they shared with you. You’ll be connecting with them more frequently and authentically because you are using those follow-up reminders to make sure no relationship ever falls through the cracks.


Contact Mapping is so simple that once you get going, you won’t know how you ever lived your life without it.

Ready to create more meaningful relationships?