Our Mission and Philosophy

With Contact Mapping, your entire network is always just a click away

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Our Mission and Philosophy

With Contact Mapping, your entire network is always just a click away

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Our Mission ...

People love to be remembered…whether it’s your mom, a sales prospect, an old friend from high school, or your direct report, people need to know they matter. True connection seems harder and harder to achieve these days because people are too busy and simply forget. That said, your community, your friends, your colleagues, and your family matter to you. 


We are on a mission to help people create abundant, empowered lives through the power of true human connection, effective communication, self-discovery, and authentic community utilizing tools and technologies. 


Our technology is powerful and intended to help you better connect with 

people, and that’s just the start. Our proven systematic approach will help you become a thoughtful Superconnector where you’ll build lasting, valuable relationships and become unforgettable by creating endless opportunities for yourself and others through the power of connection.


You don’t need to take our word for it. You can experience our software for free by clicking here. Additionally, to better understand our systematic approach, download your copy of the Coffee Shop Interview by going here. This #1 Amazon Bestseller was developed by our co-founder, Tom Chenault. He is recognized as a top industry leader and trainer in the networking world, literally creating an extended network with over a million people over the last 30+ years.

Connection is the key to a more fruitful life for you starting NOW.  We invite you to experience it for yourself.

Every opportunity is enhanced and accelerated by who you know and the quality of your relationship. When trust is present, new possibilities abound. Contact Mapping exists to help you see the value already available to you in your network and to help you create more value than you ever thought possible through your relationships.

“I’m thinking about buying a condo up in the mountains”.

“I know somebody you need to meet”.

“My son is trying to get into college at Carnegie Mellon”.

“I know somebody you need to meet”.

“My office’s computer network keeps breaking and the support vendor is a nightmare!”.

“I know somebody you need to meet”.

Our Values

Your relationships are your most valuable asset

Every opportunity is enhanced and accelerated by who you know and the quality of your relationship. When trust is present, new possibilities abound. Contact Mapping exists to help you see the value already available to you in your network and to help you create more value than you ever thought possible through your relationships.

No one should own your database except you

Almost without realizing it, the last 20 years have been about slowly and steadily giving over your most prized asset, your contacts, to service providers offering you great software for free. There’s just one BIG catch…if the product is free, then YOU are the product. Contact Mapping stands in opposition to that idea. You are free to take your data with you wherever you want, whenever you want. We do not sell or use your data for anything other than to help you create greater value and connection with your contacts. Your data is yours, period.

Fire your brain, hire your heart

True, authentic connection can only happen when you get out of your head and into your heart. Brené Brown says, “Everyone has a story or a struggle that will break your heart. And if we’re really paying attention, most people have a story that will bring us to our knees.” The Contact Mapping philosophy will help you begin to draw these deeper stories out of those around you and to truly connect at a deeper level than ever before.

Love like crazy, then love more

Loving others is at the heart of what we do. Sometimes that word makes people a little uncomfortable, but it’s the truth. Loving people is listening. Loving people is being courageous enough to tell them the truth. Loving people is being vulnerable enough to share your own struggles. Loving people starts with loving yourself.

We love misfits

For crying out loud, our co-founder Tom Chenault is a 30+ year sober alcoholic and network marketer. We are no stranger to loving people who don’t “fit the mold.” What we have learned over and over again is that the quirkiest people often have the most to offer. Never judge a book by its cover.

Be the great rememberer

“What you love most about me is how much I remember about you.” Every person you meet is craving to be noticed, appreciated, loved. By offering that to others, you contribute in ways beyond your understanding and at the same time attract a tribe of people who want to be a part of anything you’re doing.


At Contact Mapping, we love the BLTS. Yes, we also love delicious sandwiches, but that isn’t what we are talking about here. BLTS stands for Belong, Love, Safe, and Trust. When those four essential ingredients are present in a relationship, anything is possible. With any one of them missing, a breakdown is on the horizon. Pay attention to creating the BLTS in every important relationship!

Ready to create more meaningful relationships?