Congratulations! You have been invited to join the Contact Mapping Certified Coach Training Program


Become a Certified Contact Mapping Coach! 

Do you love to help people and want to get paid for it?

We have already had a tremendous response to this exciting new program.

The Contact Mapping Certified Coach Training Program will not only teach you the art of coaching it will also show you how to help people break through the glass ceilings that are stopping them from achieving the things that they want in their life. You will learn strategies for setting up goals and vision, tackling programs that hinder success, and creating a life that you and your client absolutely love.

This course will teach you the art of coaching, plus how to set up goals that your clients can  actually follow. How to do the “Next Step Method” when it feels like the client cannot breakthrough. Legalities of coaching. How to start a coaching business online. Social media and creating a community that wants to coach with you, plus much more. 


The Contact Mapping Certified Coaching training program will teach you how to raise up leaders. By completing this training, you will be eligible to apply to coach with us and receive clients from us. This will be an incredible opportunity for those who are interested. 


Our coaches will average approximately $60 per hour, So coaching four clients weekly could earn that coach an extra $1000 dollars a month.  Do you want to coach more people? Great! Let us know how many clients you would like to work with. You can also start receiving clients outside of the Contact Mapping Community to create an entire coaching business.


This is a 12-week program that begins the week of Nov 4th. 

Seating is limited to 12 spots so register now to save your spot!


This is a 12-week program that begins the week of May 29th.

Seating is limited to 12 spots so register now to save your spot!

The Contact Mapping Certified Coach Training Program will not only teach you the art of coaching it will also show you how to help people break through the glass ceilings that are stopping them from achieving the things that they want in their life

You will learn strategies for setting up goals and vision, tackling programs that hinder success, and creating a life that you and your client absolutely love.

This course will teach you the art of coaching, plus how to set up goals that your clients can  actually follow. How to do the “Next Step Method” when it feels like the client cannot breakthrough. Legalities of coaching. How to start a coaching business online. Social media and creating a community that wants to coach with you, plus much more. 

The Contact Mapping Certified Coaching training program will teach you how to raise up leaders. By completing this training, you will be eligible to apply to coach with us and receive clients from us. This will be an incredible opportunity for those who are interested. 

Our coaches will average approximately $63 per hour, So coaching four clients weekly could earn that coach an extra $1000 dollars a month.  Do you want to coach more people? Great! Let us know how many clients you would like to work with. You can also start receiving clients outside of the Contact Mapping Community to create an entire coaching business.

This is a 12-week program that begins the week of July 25th. 

Seating is limited to 12 spots so register now to save your spot!

If you love to help people and want an opportunity to work from home, this program is for you!

Scroll down to learn more

At the end of this course you will be able to:


  • Recognize programs that are running yourself and others 


  • Create a compelling vision that brings excitement and clarity 


  • Set a road map for the vision that was created 


  • Know how to change the direction of thoughts from negative/sabotaging to positive/hopeful


  • Know how to see the real progress you and others are making and feel excited to celebrate that progress instead of feeling like it is not enough.


  • Know how to listen and look for sabotaging unconscious beliefs (glass ceilings) that keep yourself and others from reaching the goals and dreams they desire 


  • How to coach people in the direction that helps them reach their goals 


  • Show your clients how If they want to change their life, they must change their internal first

Save Your Spot Today!


The 12-week program has three sections


The first four weeks = Foundations in Coaching


Learn the foundations of being a great coach!


The second four weeks = Growth 


Learn how to help your clients grow and achieve their goals


The third four weeks = Exceleration


Learn how to help your clients accelerate their growth and change their life and business. 



Plus you will learn the basics to starting an online coaching business! 

Course Lessons

Section One: Foundation

Weeks One through Four

Week One: Intro. 


What is coaching? 

What is it not?

Practicing medicine, counseling vs coaching

Integrity with your clients

Who to coach and who not to coach

When is a client wrong for you

Week Two: Listening to the client and yourself  


How to listen

Learning about your client

Personality – Love Languages 

Listening between the lines. 

Struggles, fears, unconscious beliefs


Week Three: Talking


What to say to a client

What not to say to a client

Helping them see the answer/direction to go

The difference between leading and telling them the answer

Revelations and breakthroughs

Week Four. Brain Chemistry, Mindset, and Beliefs


Ways of thinking / Mindset

Positive and negative thinking patterns

Feelings – Rewiring the brain

Nutrition and brain chemistry 

Activity and Mental Clarity

Section Two: Growth

Weeks Five through Eight

Week Five: Blockers, Beliefs, Glass Ceilings


Finding the blockers

How our thoughts affect our actions

Beliefs and integrity blockers

Being in alignment with your integrity.

Programs and Awareness


Week Six: Goals – What does your client want? 



What does success feel like?

Why do they want that feeling?  

What does actually having money bring? 

Why feeling the feeling of what you want is so important

Week Seven: Setting up goals and Programs for your Clients


Making new habits

Goals and goal setting. 

What it is – what it isn’t – best practices. 

What not to do. 

Ways to measure success

Motivation and how to help your clients keep going

Week Eight: Seeing Progress and Pitfalls Along the Way


Why is it not fast enough?

Integrity and being in alignment with your integrity.

How personality traits sabotage 

Drama Triangle.

Codependency Issues – Drugs, Alcohol, Addictions

Referring out to other professionals

Section Three: Excell

Weeks Nine through Twelve

Topics covered as needed

Putting it all together 

Live Coaching Practicum


Only 12 spots available so save your spot now!