The Easiest Way to Exchange Contact Information

Think about the last time that you found yourself thinking or telling a narrative that “I’m confused, I don’t get it, I’m overwhelmed, I don’t know where to start”…
I bet you came to that conclusion very quickly, without actually taking the time to think about to approach the situation with the knowledge and skills you already have.
I want to talk to you, and challenge you to ask yourself if you are defaulting to a place of confusion or if you are genuinely confused next time you find yourself in a situation that makes you uncomfortable.

We all know that for change and growth to happen, we’ve got to step outside of our comfort zone!

Do you find yourself getting CONFUSED or OVERWHELMED? Here’s what is REALLY going on…

Think about the last time that you found yourself thinking or telling a narrative that “I’m confused, I don’t get it, I’m overwhelmed, I don’t know where to start”…
I bet you came to that conclusion very quickly, without actually taking the time to think about to approach the situation with the knowledge and skills you already have.
I want to talk to you, and challenge you to ask yourself if you are defaulting to a place of confusion or if you are genuinely confused next time you find yourself in a situation that makes you uncomfortable.

We all know that for change and growth to happen, we’ve got to step outside of our comfort zone!

How To Overcome Your Fear Of NO

You know the feeling. You’re about to reach out to a prospect to make “the ask.” Your stomach is a little queasy. A drop of sweat trickles down your forehead.

The fear of the dreaded NO is something that consumes far too much of your mental space.

But does it have to be that way? I don’t think so.

How To Send DMs that Build Relationships

Today I got to hang out in a Clubhouse room with the amazing Annabelle Bayhan talking about the art of the DM.

If you are building your business on social media and ESPECIALLY if you are into any of the social audio apps like Clubhouse, Greenroom, or Twitter Spaces, you need to learn the art of the DM.

I have been spending LOTs of time in the DMs – this is my #1 tip for how to cut through the noise, stand out, and build a real connection!

Tom Chenault on the “A Drink With Derek” Podcast

A 32-year sober recovering alcoholic walks into a bar…

That’s about the setup for Tom’s episode on this new episode of “A Drink With Derek”! Derek Richards is a dear friend and a hilarious comedian, and it was so much fun to have this conversation.

The #1 lesson I have learned from my dad, on his 70th birthday

Today my dad, Tom Chenault, turned 70!

If you have ever met my dad Tom, you know he is truly one-of-a-kind. I know that’s a cliche but trust me it’s the real deal with my old man.

He’s a force of nature. Funny. Self-deprecating. Loved by CEOs and homeless people alike. A hot mess express of the highest order.

How to continue to build powerful connections even as you try to juggle your crazy life

Last Thursday we had a free webinar: 7 Ways that you can Build a Powerful Network Outside of Social Media. Social media is great. It ain’t going anywhere. It’s a big part of what we do, but it is definitely not the only way.

In some ways, some of the offline things that we can do (or even they’re online, but they’re not social media), some of those other ways of connecting with people can be more life-giving because they can offer maybe a deeper opportunity to connect and we can fit them alongside of our life.

“Remember” vs “follow-up”

After a bad experience while going to the doctor, Tom wanted to talk about the difference that remembering has on people, instead of just following-up on them.

The more you remember, the more you win.

Your enthusiasm could be making you look like an @$$hole | Check yourself before you wreck yourself

Maybe you’re in a business tha has changed your life. Something means everything to you and you fell so in love with it, that you decided that you wanted to build a business around it because it’s so important to you and it means so much to you and it really helped you. Maybe, you feel like it literally saved your life. And maybe you feel like you could save other people’s lives.

And, all of a sudden, you’re out there talking to people and you hear somebody who maybe tells a story that is almost exactly like your story. And you go “Oh my gosh, I could really, really help this person”, so you get excited and you tell them all about how this could help them. And probably your heart is so big for trying to help that person, maybe they’re really polite about it, maybe they’re even really excited about it. And then, all of a sudden, they don’t buy it or they don’t follow through, or maybe they even ghost to you and you’re left wondering “well, what happened there?”

How to get the message across that you really want people to know

When somebody thinks of you, what are you known for? Do they know you as an integrous person? Do they know you as a person who really genuinely cares? Or do they know you as a person who just wants to sell them stuff? I’d ask a couple people if you don’t know. But the most important thing is: inside your heart, what do you want to be known for?

At Contact Mapping, we teach you how to authentically connect with people. And in that authentic connection, be able to achieve everything that you want to achieve through the power of your network.